Hernandez Tree Experts
Expert Tree Removal Services in Plano TX
As you scan the internet looking for a skilled, trustworthy tree service company in Plano TX, you may feel frustrated in how many choices there are. You could always go with your buddy’s sixteen year old son, he should be able to cut down that 60 foot Oak tree that is 20 feet away from your home (we wouldn’t recommend it). Or the company with a 2.3 star average review on Google, they should know what they’re doing (not). It may become apparent that there are professionals and rookies in the tree removal industry. Luckily, you made it to the website of the best tree removal company in Plano! With over 545 Thumbtack reviews and being completely licensed and bonded, we know a thing or two about good business and cutting up trees. We also offer 24/7 emergency tree service.
Tree removal in Plano TX can be a very difficult and even dangerous accomplishment. With as close as many of our houses are together, one wrong cut and the chopping of one tree could result in multiple headaches. We highly recommend you leave the dangerous work to the experts, Hernandez Tree Experts.
As your locally owned and insured tree service company, we take great pride in going above and beyond to make sure your trees are trimmed beautifully and removed safely. From trimming/pruning, removal, and stump grinding, our arbor services have you covered from the top of the tree, all the way down to the roots. When looking for a tree service company, here are some things we recommend you ask your prospective company:
-Are you local?
-How many years experience do you have?
-What do you specialize in?
-Are you insured?
-Will you trim my trees or my wallet?
The answers should be: Yes, 10+ years, Simply trees, Yes, and if they even hesitate on the last question, keep searching! At Hernandez Tree Experts, we can gladly say we have been trimming trees in the Plano, Texas area for over 12 years. We are insured tree experts and we make sure you get the most bang for your buck. Affordable tree service companies are hard to find around here. We know we are the best around because of our 545+ reviews on Thumbtack, rating us at 4.8/5.0 and our 27+ reviews on Google, rating us a 5.0/5.0.
As your local arborist and tree climbing professionals, we have a variety of services offered. There are a multitude of things we do to keep your landscape looking as cleaned up and well maintained as you’d like. From thinning the tree out, trimming extra twigs off, felling completely, grinding your stump, mulching for your garden, hauling the wood off, cutting it into firewood, etc. We even have a chipper on site. With our skills, the sky’s the limit! You tell us what you need, we will show you all the possibilities and take care of the rest.
Tree Trimming and Pruning
There are many great benefits to trimming a tree. Everyone has seen those trees that outgrow themselves. You can tell they aren’t well taken care of and it just hurts the whole property. An overgrown tree can not only be a huge eye sore but can also be harming the tree itself, or your beautiful yard. With overgrown branches, the tree’s root system is trying to feed all of the branches. Once you prune the branches back, the root system can focus on feeding the branches that matter: the stable and pretty ones. Not only this, but the grass can suffer if not enough sunlight can shine through to the ground. This is why we suggest regular tree trimming just like you have a regular lawn service and a regular shrub trimming.
Overhanging branches can act like a highway to rats and other rodents going straight to your attic. If you want a rat problem we suggest you let your branches hang onto your roof, but most people don’t! Not to mention the pest control factor, branches can rub off the granules to your shingles and scratch up windows. It is crucial you keep your branches shaved back!
Residential and commercial trees can benefit equally. Commercial properties need to be well maintained for when your clients come to your office. Not to mention that, but keeping trees trimmed back makes your property that much more safer and runs less of a risk of having a tree related accident occur.
“We trim your trees, not your wallets.”
-Lewis Hernandez

Tree Removal
Tree removal in Plano TX can be a difficult task. Close houses coupled with tall trees usually don’t make for a happy ending. That just makes it all the more necessary to hire a team of tree experts such as the team at Hernandez Tree Experts. With over 12 years experience, our climbers can navigate a tree with ease. What would make the usual homeowner uneasy thinking about, we do on the daily with great success. Before you hurt yourself of your property, call one of our trusted arborists to give you some guidance and a complimentary quote.
We see so many different reasons for removing a tree. Dead trees can be a hazard and could cause an injury or damage at any time. Ugly trees simply have no room in your yard. And sometimes you just have an annoying tree, maybe next to your driveway or pool; we get it. Take care of your tree care problems and call Hernandez Tree Experts out for a complimentary estimate!
Stump Grinding